In the Corrosive Grip of Acid Reflux. And a Bear.


⊛  In the Corrosive Grip of Acid Reflux.  And a Bear.  
⊛  cut paper + washi + cjiyogami / wood
⊛  11.9 x 7.88 in (30 x 20cm)


I've been too good. Giving up my seat on the train to old people, rescuing kittens from trees, putting a stop to the nefarious invasion plans of gooey alien races. And that was just this past week. I'm tired of it all. I need to be bad. I want to exercise my evil muscles. I yearn to grow an appropriately twisty and sinister mustache.

Luckily, Kevin Conn, the erstwhile creator of The Incandescent Lava-Roid, has once again come to the rescue (remember him?). Pictured above, you can see our Molten hero cringing... striking an action... pose in the face of two of his most dastardly enemies. Introducing the all-new Acid Reflux and the all-improved Heimlich the Cyborg Nazi Bear. Previously known as plain, old Heimlich the Nazi Bear. And yes, that is a Hitlerian mustache under his snout.

This seems a good time to let everyone know about the next show I'll be participating in: American Comics Exhibition 2010 ~Bad Guys~ From Anti-heroes to Supervillains opening Sept. 26, 2010 here in Tokyo. Check out the website here.

Oh yeah, and my first solo show is coming soon to Tokyo. Want a hint? Leave your Halloween open.

For now, I think I'll go find a kitten to put in a tree.


Guess that Villain No.1


Lavaroid WIP