Guest Shots: The 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2014

The 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2014, all artwork courtesy of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan

The 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2014, all artwork courtesy of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan

In moving from Tokyo - the center of population, politics, business, and culture in Japan - I had resigned myself to living with a dearth of musical performances, galleries, museum exhibitions, and global food. Imagine how happy I have been, these past few years, to be completely and utterly wrong. I revel in my misconceptions at every possible opportunity. Opportunities have been plentiful.

If you have the chance to bounce through Fukuoka before November 30, 2014, I recommend you stop by the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum to check out The 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2014.

Another Realm (Horse), Min Thein Sung

Another Realm (Horse), Min Thein Sung

The exhibition collects artwork of every possible genre; sculpture, painting, animation, video, multi/mixed-media, video games, collage, and more. What could have been a hodgepodge of disparate and incompatible ideas instead feels tied together by a strong social conscience as this group of mostly young Asian artists examine the present and look ahead to a myriad possible futures. Employed throughout is - and this may be my favorite element - a seriously quirky sense of humor.

Uterusman, Lu Yang

Uterusman, Lu Yang

Here are a bunch of links to info about the show and its artists:

Spine, Sunil Sigdel

Spine, Sunil Sigdel

深い森の誰も知らない国, Tanaka Chisato

深い森の誰も知らない国, Tanaka Chisato

アナハバナシ展, Yoshinaga Koutaku

アナハバナシ展, Yoshinaga Koutaku


Gallery Show: A Quick Tease


Gallery Show: 魔女&ドクロス展 [Witches & Skulls Exhibition] @ Arts Rush, Daikanyama