Come, Let's Redo the Future One More Time


Happy New Year


Ah, 2020! I was so looking forward to you, and you certainly were…interesting.

Not, “Hey, I’d like to know more about this stuff” interesting. Not, “Wow, that was weird, and my world-view has been expanded” interesting. More like, “My God, how is any of this even possible” interesting. “Interesting times” interesting.

Y’know what? Assessing last year is going to take the kind of perspective I just can’t command right now. I’d rather look to the future; to the hopefully better 2021.

Laying out my future plans isn’t possible without at least scanning my goals for the previous 365 days. Here’s what I wrote last January.

My basic goals for the next 11 ½ months are to make at least a dozen pieces of art (not counting S-series, or tiny experiments) and to add to this blog 36 times. That should be doable, right?

No. They were not doable.

What with being sick for about 1/3rd of the year, and my daughter home from school, I never struck the kind of balance or focus to make that much art. I will say that I’m pleased with the pieces I did make, and I have some very interesting ideas on ways to expand and evolve my artistic vernacular.

I blogged 12 times over the 12 months. Mostly in the first few months. That’s interesting because that’s also the time when I was sickest.

It also hints at where my balancing act starts to wobble. Seemingly, I can either write about my work, or make new work. But not both? This year I need to rectify that. Also, the work slammed into a wall when nursery school shut down for the pandemic. Nothing shocking about that.

On a positive note, one of my stated goals was to stop being sick. After a trip or two to the hospital in the middle of the night (never a fun time) I feel pretty good.

And Now, the Future

As the title suggests, my goals for 2021 are a redo of last year’s. Hopefully without the illness, international strife, or giant asteroid-strikes.

  • Make 12 pieces of art; roughly one each month

  • Blog 36 times; hopefully on Wednesdays

  • a new one: Post to Instagram/social media twice a week (evenly split between posts and stories? Gotta figure that out…

And now for the Rest of the Stuff

  • ART•SHOP: Still a work-in-progress. Which isn’t a huge problem, since I can’t actually ship to many of my major markets right now.

    • Here’s the Newest shipping available from Japan Post. The categories to look at are Air Parcel Post and EMS. Technically, I can ship anything to most of Europe and much of Asia. To the US, Australia, and Canada, I can ship only small packets, which means postcards usually. This tends to change once or twice a month. Write me for info about your country.

    • I’ve got many of the small works posted and available for sale. I was able to get some other work photographed, and will be offering them as soon as the world ekes back towards normalcy.

  • Galleries: There is some art I’d like to post. And in some cases, scan or photograph.

  • Blog • A Pulse Uncommon: There’re old images, links, and art yet to be replaced. I’ve reached the point where a lot of the old artwork isn’t suitable for the new website, and I’m hunting through old sketchbooks and WIPs to rescan and photograph.

  • Media: a media page collecting books, newspapers, magazines, etc. that have featured my work is something I’d really like to get up

  • I really want to put together a Commissions page to guide collectors through the process of approaching me with ideas for unique, original art they’d love.

  • Let me know if there are any changes you would like to see with the website. Is there anything confusing or unclear? Any info you have trouble finding? I’m always trying to improve, and I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Personal Evolution and the Practical Applications of Laser Cats
